Friday, July 29, 2011

Workout Weekdays - Getting Started

Phew. You want to know what's not a good idea? Running in the Nashville Summer heat & humidity.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but in the 59 days that I've been in America, this is the first time I've made an effort to run. Sure, I did a solid two weeks of P90X back in June. But running? I found enough excuses to keep me away from that. Needed new shoes...IT Band woes...too hot...

A few weeks ago, I purchased new running shoes at Team Nashville, and found out that I "run funny." So funny, in fact, that the man I was working with made me run more than necessary in the parking lot (while wearing work clothes - just to make it funnier) and even videotaped me to show me how weirdly I run. I shared the excuse that it's probably because I had to relearn to walk from scratch when I was twelve years old and was told I'd never walk correctly again. I'm walking fine, but apparently running wasn't relearned as impeccably. I reminded myself that it didn't matter - I ran my first half marathon last year and have no intention to quit now.

So, with my new shoes, new sports bra, and new attitude, I drove over to my favorite running spot in Nashville: Belmont Boulevard. Just enough trees, bends in the road, and kind passersby to make running enjoyable over there. Today, I ran/walked from the Belmont end down to Woodmont and back again. It was a good first try, but undeniably clear how out of shape I am (and how easily I succumb to the heat).

My soundtrack was the "Hot Hot Hits" playlist on my iPod, and today's run included such pop hits as:
- "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas (don't worry, I did the ASB hand motions while I was running)
- "Every Other Time" by LFO
- "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles
- "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha (or "key dollar sign hah")
- "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney
- "Waka Waka (Time for Africa)" by Shakira
- "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry
- "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus
- "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi

I'd pretend to be embarrassed by some of these tunes, but that would be lying.

Until the next run!

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