Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Times They Are A-Changin'

As you've undoubtedly noticed (unless you're on Google which case, click on over to the blog!), some big changes are happening with Nan these days!

In entering a new season of life, I am at a crossroads: to continue with this blog, start a new one, or give it up? Given my excellent - albeit quiet - readers, I have decided to transition this blog as my life moves into new phases. I don't want to lose you, so allow me to explain what you can expect from the new Nan:
- revamped design (not strictly Namibia anymore)
- new title
- a search bar on the right for you to easily navigate older posts on the blog
- new labels on many posts: click on the label name below the post to see other similar posts
- an "honor roll" of friends' blogs that I simply love to read on the right panel for you to check out
- a short list of my favorite books since I'd love to share in the joy of reading with you
- several new and evolving tabs along the top of the blog where you can easily access a mini-bio, all my TIA Tuesday series posts, and the short list of my Namibia photos on Flickr. Check them out!

The most exciting change that I've been itching to announce is the addition of two new blog series: Foodie Fridays (scratch that - it's called Nashville Nuggets and has the freedom to be posted any day of the week) and Weight Loss Weekdays. This may seem ironic or hilarious: as I said before, who tries to keep a "Post-Africa Weight Loss" and "Best Food In Nashville" blog at the same time? Me. That's who. So, as I work through my list of Nashville eateries on the weekends, I will negate the weight gain and lose the Africa pounds by training for the Country Music Marathon (yes, marathon) on the weekdays. Hopefully having a consistent blog series will motivate me to get both of these things done on a regular basis...though, I really don't need any motivation to indulge in good ol' American food.

I get it: no one loves change. But that's where my life is now and I hope you'll continue to walk alongside me as I navigate my twentysomethings in Nashville!

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