Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nashville Nugget No. 6 - Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream

On Monday afternoon, I had the privilege to share an ice cream date with my sweet friend, sister, and faithful blog follower Erica Nimri-now-Page! She so enthusiastically responded to my post about places I want to try in Nashville and called dibs on Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream. Naturally, we went there as soon as I returned to Nashville - because what's better in the 102 degree heat than delicious ice cream? Nothing, I say.

Inside Jeni's Ice Cream - so airy and trendy! [photo cred]
Not only is this particular ice cream establishment sort of named after my sister, who I almost love as much as I love ice cream (kidding?), but it's also a well-known, we're-lucky-to-have-it-here ice cream store. Jeni's comes from the great city of Columbus, OH - the only city in Ohio I've ever known, so clearly the greatest. Plus, according to the Nashville Scene, Nashville attracts people from Ohio, which I think we all have witnessed. Jeni's boasts at least 24 flavors, sometimes in the low 30s, of rich, colorful, fresh, sometimes locally-grown ice cream flavors. They also have a flavor called The Milkiest Chocolate in the World, which is good enough for me. What's more? They're more than happy to give you as many free samples as you want. My kind of place.

What's even more? "Can there be even more???" you ask. Yes. Because even the SMALL size of ice cream allows you to get two different flavors. Praise the Lord, all ye poor decision-makers (poor-decision makers? Those of us who can't make decisions. Oh, grammar)! You may pay $4 for a small, but it is more than worth it - much better than spending $4 on a measly scoop of sub-par Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

If you remember from my post about Hot & Cold, I've already tried Jeni's Milkiest Chocolate in the World and Pistachio & Honey flavors. But upon visiting the actual store on Monday, I ordered a mouth wateringly delicious combination of Dark Chocolate ('nuff don't need a fancy name) and Backyard Mint. In a waffle cone. Go big or go home. AMAZING. THIS IS THE BEST ICE CREAM I'VE EVER EATEN. I'm never leaving America again. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Amen.

Get your butt over to Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream. Today. Tomorrow. And every day after that.

Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream is located in East Nashville, nestled by Ugly Mugs & Silly Goose and across the street from Rosepepper at 1892 Eastland Ave.

1 comment:

  1. Karen. This sounds exactly like you. And I can picture the Karen jazz hands as I read.
