Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TIA Wednesday

(Wednesday is the new Tuesday, right? I'll get my act together soon. Promise.)

This week, I want to give a shout-out to the top 3 things in America that still continue to surprise me, even 4 months and 12 days after returning

1) Hot showers. Sorry I'm not sorry for taking 30 minute showers sometimes. I could stand under the high-pressure, hot water shower head forever. While I still love the idea of only showering once every four days (you save so much time!), nothing can keep me from showering very often in America. Let's face it - I do my best life-processing in the shower. And it sure is a lot easier to stand in a hot shower thinking for 30 minutes than a cold, drippy one.

2) My bed. It may be a free hand-me-down bed, but it's big and plush and isn't filled with dirt & bugs and doesn't have a crater in the middle and isn't surrounded by a princess tent mosquito net. This is the first time in my life that I've ever not slept in a twin bed. And I love it. I love my four pillows. I love being reunited with my dog. Best of all, I've had the joy of figuring out how to sleep in it. I was very conflicted at first about it, so I ended up sleeping diagonally so I didn't have to decide what side to sleep on. But in the interest of my future husband, I have chosen a side this week and love the commitment.

3) Unlimited cookies & ice cream. I can eat a whole bag of cookies whenever I want...which I don't usually do...but...

1 comment:

  1. Hot, high pressure showers... YES!

    But come on, don't you miss your princess tent even a little?
