Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TIA Tuesday

Three large pigs have taken up residence in my front yard as a result of all the garbage and sewage that’s been strewn about from the floods. They try to fight me away every time I come home (and probably could win). TIA.

I ran out of butter and haven’t made it to the market because of the water. TIA.

Twenty minutes of our morning staff meeting was spent arguing about the time change this coming Sunday. First, which direction it was going in and whether or not that meant more sun or less sun in the morning (“can’t have the learners wading through chest-deep water in the dark!”). Secondly, whether or not we would observe it. FYI we’ve decided not to observe it even though the rest of the country is. Does any of that make sense? TIA.

Found out I had a package sent to me on January 16 that still hasn’t made it. Who knows when it will arrive! TIA.

When I told my grade 11 class that I was going to take a video of them and “send them to America,” they almost peed their pants with excitement. TIA.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can have a little piggie go to market for you.
