Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TIA Tuesday

And now...for the first installment of my new weekly blog series: TIA Tuesdays! TIA (This Is Africa) is a phrase commonly used by ex-pats throughout Africa to lighten the mood in such a foreign, hilarious place. So enjoy these typically African (or at least Namibian) tidbits from my week.

And please, pronounce it tia...not T.I.A. Much more fun and exclamatory that way :)

- I got accused of being self-centered because I hardly ever talk...because everyone only ever speaks Oshikwanyama. TIA.

- I wasn’t prepared for my double period English lesson, but it didn’t matter because 40 minutes in, I was thrown out of class so an impromptu cycle test could be given. What’s a cycle test? And why wasn’t I warned about it? TIA.

- Saw a woman beating a pregnant dog with a stick. No one seemed to mind. TIA.

- I have no clean clothes because it has rained every afternoon for 12 days. TIA.

- A loud “Jingle Bells” ringtone goes off during a meeting and no one seems to notice it’s March. TIA.

- My 7-year old neighbor, Tangen, ran over to carry my books home for me and called me sister. He then looked at me with big eyes and said, “you are my sister, right?” Yes, Tangen...yes I am! TIA.

- Walked over to say hi to some girls at a shebeen and the eldest one threw her arms in the air and exclaimed, “you are looking so fat!” Highest Namlish compliment, but it could also be because of the brownie batter. TIA.

- Two men at a shebeen were very excited to meet me one day. The one grabbed my arm as I was leaving and said, “I cant tell you why, but I think I am loving you.” I bluntly said, “oh, is it because I’m from America?” And he said, “no, I am just loving you too much.” Proposals. TIA.

- My Japanese roommate and I arrive right on time for the 9am parents’ meeting. At 9, only 7 parents and 3 teachers were present and the principal wasn’t even there. The last teacher to show up arrived at 11. TIA.

- On my way to the market, a 10 year old girl carrying a giant jug of water on her head stopped, smiled wide, and said “good morning, sister!” TIA.

1 comment:

  1. oh my. i definitely had a proposal when i was in africa, too! haha - awkward yet funny!
