Thursday, March 10, 2011

Terrible Foods

Holy cow. I am so glad I did a unit on food with my grade 8s. They wrote their exam earlier this week. Normally I dread marking (grading) takes forever but it’s also one of the most important ways to assess their understanding of concepts. So I actually have to mark it well and spend time on it. Oh, the life of an English teacher...

This test’s writing prompt was “write a descriptive paragraph about a food you do NOT like.”

I have laughed out loud at every learner’s paragraph so far! These kids are so silly and melodramatic. I hope you enjoy their sweet outlook on terrible foods.

“But porridge I just like it when I am feel very hungry that day but I don like it for sure and even I do not like to look at those foods that I do not like.”

“Like rice I hate rice because is not change.”

“In many cases pork is not good to be eaten by those people who has oily skins because it will bring them skin cancer if the sun happen to be hotter. I don’t like pork since I was a young girl because many people says pigs eats everything which they can found like, small baby other pigs.”

“Even that day I’m very happy and then you to me with those food, I just want to fry away from you.” (Namibians have trouble with L vs R)

“When ever I eat porridge I feel like the world will end that day...I wish when I become someone in future in my house I will not eat porridge at all.”

“I use to eat them sometimes but they are somehow good.” (double whammy of Namlish)

“Banana is for old people becouse they don have teeth.”

“When my noise hear rice oh! problem.”

“Lemons also smell like somebody puff.” (puff=fart in Namlish)

“I feel very lonely because I eat porridge.”

“Traditional spinach is usually stuck in your teeth. This bad food is not good to many people because this may cost you much money to buy a Colgate.”

“If you have a party and there is potatoes I WON’T come to your party.”

(Top three least favorite foods: porridge, rice, and cheese. Three of my favorites. Crazy kids!)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love this entry! I think my favorites are the one about Colgate and the one about not coming to your party if you're serving potatoes.
