Thursday, August 4, 2011

Workout Weekdays - Bought to You By the Letter S

Workout Weekdays have been temporarily postponed because...well...I kind of forgot how much it aches to get back into running. I kind of have a major wedding to prepare for this weekend and sore shins are not part of the equation.

So this week, I've been working out by walking around in these bad boys:

S is for Shoe [photo cred]
They're cute, right? But you see, I have a vendetta against heels of any kind. In fact, the highest pair of heels I own are a mere 1/4 inch (mayyyyyybe half inch, if we're feeling tall that day). Clearly a result of my intense height self-consciousness growing up. Which is no longer a problem since they grow men so tall in the South.


I've recently taking to wearing these babies around the house whenever I think of it. Which means I wear them when I'm cooking, when I'm in my PJs, when I'm doing laundry...I've become a good ol' Stepford Wife.

Thankfully, I no longer walk around like I just finished bareback horse riding and I don't take 20 minutes to walk down the stairs. We're getting there!

Cross your fingers, say a little prayer, and hold your breath that I can successfully walk down the aisle on Saturday...which is cobblestone, by the way. Voted "Most Likely to Wipeout in a Wedding"? I think so.

Pros to my upcoming footwear:
1) the Chaco tan looks especially noticeable in fancy shoes
2) heels make your legs look soooooooo good

Don't worry. My wedding footwear will be strictly comfortable shoes or bare feet. No heels allowed!

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