Friday, January 7, 2011

Foto Friday!

This is by no means a promise to post photos every Friday, but if I happen to stay up to 1-4am when the internet data charges are free, I can promise some more glamorous blog posts. Tonight, I'll let the photos do the talking. Here are some snapshots from my first ten days in Namibia:

WT:Nam 2011 Volunteer Locations

New friends Hannah, Amy, and Bridget & Tall Horse South African wine for New Years. There's a giraffe on the bottle!


Backpacker's hostel in Tsumeb

Dinner team Brett and Tanya - and our community kitchen

Teaching practicum celebration
Vols Kaylan, Hannah, Bridget, Tanya, Bernie, and Karen
Learners Lukas, Christofine, Zelencia, Cordula, Marianne, and Helena

WT:Nam 2011 at Etosha SS


1 comment:

  1. Nanny looked at these pictures on Judy's notebook, and the comment Nanny wanted to post is:
    Hi, Karen, I miss you. How many days until you're coming back? I hope you like Namibia as much as Tanzania. I love you.
    p.s. I will write you as soon as I get your address.
