Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TIA Tuesday

Some weeks, TIA Tuesday is harder than others! I guess after three months you start to get used to the crazy things that happen every day.

No one arrives at school at the correct time on Monday because no one understood the time change. TIA.

The second it stops raining, everyone begins complaining about the heat. Rain=floods and cooler weather. Sun=evaporation and more heat. TIA.

Invigilation. TIA.

I found a four-legged wall spider in our common room. I assumed it must be dead and didn’t bother dealing with it. Later that night, I found it had just attacked (and killed) a rather large baby dragon fly-type bug. TIA.

Watching “Glee” with your Japanese and Namibian roommates several nights each week after dinner. TIA...wait, no. TITW (This is the World).

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