Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Good Life

You know those moments in your life that are just surreal? Where you have that half-a-moment, out-of-body thought, “is this real life?!?” Last year, I spent a lot of time reflecting on why I love the people I love most in my life. This year, I’m reflecting on life’s surreal moments - both good and challenging.

So in honor of Ben&Jerry’s free cone day and the best day of the year (and my friends' apparently closeted love for lists), here are 23 surreal life experiences from the last 365 days:

1. 22nd birthday at Bricktop’s

2. Seven sweet days at the beach...discovering the perfect donut

3. Surprising friends in Nashville

4. Every Sunday at Grace

5. Getting off the plane in Namibia

6.  Last night at Vanderbilt

7. Every morning at NICE

8. Community communion Sunday lunch in Nashville

9. Weekends in Rundu

10. Friend reunions in DC

11. Homecoming bonfire

12. Watching the sun rise two weeks ago

13. Maggie&Jonathan’s wedding weekend in Houston

14. “Behold the Lamb of God” – both times

15. Every afternoon spent coffeeshop hopping

16. Setting up Ms. Skelton’s first first grade classroom with sweet friends

17. Garth Brooks live

18. First Full Moon Pickin’ Parties at Warner Parks

19. Living with fantastically unexpected roommates this fall

20. Christmas pajama party

21. Running my first half marathon

22. Setting up the Christmas tree at home

23. Every moment spent snuggling with friends

Happy April 12th, y'all!

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