Thursday, June 23, 2011


Instead of TIA Tuesday this week, I bring to you TIC (This Is Camp) Thursday, which was also posted on the youth group blog. Enjoy!

Camp is a magical place and there are many things that happen at camp thatonly happen at camp. Today, enjoy a few "This Is Camp" - abbreviated "TIC" - moments from this week. Don't worry, parents: though there are many TICs, we have not seen any ticks so far.

- Yelling "shoutbacks" during every session, meal, and activity. For example, when anyone talks about "announcements," you yell out, "tell me something good!" Beware: when your campers return, you should not say the words "soccer," "chapel," or "OK." TIC.
- Waking up with achy muscles and bruises from blobbing too high. TIC.
- Nyk and Cali getting called out for being too close when they were mistaken for campers. TIC.
- Eating and screaming about Chicken on a Stick and Grilled Pizza. TIC.
- Escaping during free time to get delicious, homemade milkshakes in town. TIC.
- Re-wearing wet bathing suits in the lake everyday because there are limited places to hang them in our camp bathrooms. TIC.
- Introducing Grace hymns in three-part harmony to the camp at Stage Night. TIC.
- Being phone and media free for a week...and feeling great about it! TIC.
- Learning about community by adopting various injuries and impairments in a plane crash scenarios. And subsequently pushing, pulling, and dragging each other around the chapel to save the group. TIC.
- Sleeping so deeply on squeaky beds at night because you're so exhausted from the full and fun schedule each day. TIC.

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