Tuesday, June 14, 2011

TIA Tuesday

TIA Tuesday is dedicated to one cross-cultural situation that has only become more hilarious each time it happens.


As I've mentioned before, eating a constant diet of cheap carbs for six months was not so great for my figure. My wrists may still be skinny mini, but the rest has become a little plumper. Apparently that's the norm for female expats in Africa, as I was told by a PCV. "All the guys lose weight, but you women only gain it. You're definitely going to gain weight." Nice to meet you, too, buddy.

While staying in Windhoek a few weeks ago, I had developed a friendly rapport with the staff at the hostel. However, as I was waiting in the lobby on my last day for my late cab to arrive and take me to the airport, I was startled when the receptionist looked at me with an excited expression and said, "are you expecting??" Being the confused white girl that I am (who after six months still had trouble deciphering Namlish), I thought she was inquiring about the cab. But no. As soon as she patted her own stomach and smiled at me, I understood. "Uh, hah, no, no no no. I am not. I've just, uh, really enjoyed the food here?"

I mean, most people who visit this beloved continent would say that the biggest TIA moment is Africans finding women beautiful for being fat, right? But maybe, just maybe this crosses cultures.

On my first weekend back in America, I eagerly ventured to a nearby farmer's market with my dad to indulge in fresh American foods. We stopped by a bakery table to buy some fresh bread and chose a fresh baguette. As I paid the vendor and started to advance on the cheese seller, he gave me a once-over and called after, "congratulations!!!" 

Maybe he was just as excited about the bread as I was. But my dad just about fell on the ground laughing when we realized he was congratulating my pregnancy.

So this week's TIA Tuesday: people mistaking your AfricaFat as pregnancy. TIA(frica) and TIA(merica).

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