Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye, Nashville!

On Saturday morning, I said goodbye to the happiest place on earth: Nashville, TN. The last time I left this city, it literally brought me to my knees and left me inconsolable for a good 48 hours. This time has been different. Perhaps it's because there is concrete hope in the future ahead of me, perhaps it's because I've realized that relationships last even when you're not in the same place, or maybe it's because it has never been more crystal clear that Namibia is where I'm supposed to be come December 28.

After an epic car ride back to Chicago that lasted ten hours and included a ferry, the best roadside bbq, and a full re-enactment of the Nashville Garth Brooks concerts, I arrived to the sweetest of send-offs in Glenview on Sunday night. It was a funny experience to have people from so many areas of my life under one roof - high school friends, college friends, neighbors, church family, real family, and more.

I am so very grateful for each and every one of you. I continued to be humbled on a daily basis by your support, encouragement, and prayers. Look forward to your first Namibian update on the 29th!

I'll leave you with some photos from these precious last few weeks in TN:

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