Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dream BIG!

Current location: Frothy Monkey in Nashville, TN (sweet coffeehouse vibe, terrible drinks)

I have several really exciting announcements for this third blog post.  First of all, I'm just about done with all my paperwork!  At the beginning of this week, I sent in all my important documents, Visa application materials, and physician's health form.  I'm ready to go (hah)!  Secondly, today I had a consult at the Vanderbilt Travel Clinic.  I only had to update my meningitis vaccine, for which they gave me a bandaid with a picture of a cartoon rock 'n' roll cat (told you I was growing up).

But the most exciting update of all?  I'm already halfway to raising all of my program costs.  Halfway; you read that correctly.  I am so humbled by this outpouring of support by family and friends.  This is in no way a call to slow down on giving.  The really exciting part of this is that once I raise my $5,990 in program costs, all funds donated above and beyond that can be used by me for programming for my kiddos in Namibia.  I took it as a sign when "Dream Big" came on my iTunes shuffle yesterday.  There are SO MANY possibilities for what I could do.  HIV/AIDS programming, a new library, a girls' club, something musical, a school newspaper, something...!  How exhilarating is that??

So this is a call to keep on giving and keep on praying that the Lord provides me with the funds and direction to do something great in His Kingdom in Namibs.

Also - please click on "contact information" on the right to be added to my email list.  No donation required - I just want to keep in touch with y'all while I'm away.

Rejoicing in HOPE!

(and welcoming the heartwarmth that is sure to come out of reunions with dear old friends this weekend in Nashville.  To think that we will be reuniting like this for the rest of our lives is better than I could have ever dreamed!)

Monday, October 11, 2010

To-Do Lists

Things for ME to do this week:
- send out more letters!
- make an appointment at the Vanderbilt Travel Clinic ( I only need one more shot!)
- obtain a "report of good conduct" from the police (hope I'm in good standing after 22 years...)
- start my packing list
- send in my placement preferences
- soak up Nashville autumn (if it ever gets below 90 degrees)

Things for YOU to do this week:
- follow my blog! (click "follow" on the right panel)
- make that donation you're planning on making
- breathe, relax, and enjoy fall wherever you are!